Arcadis announced its recent success in being awarded multiple contracts with the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to enhance a wide range of digital and mobility solutions and services to improve accessibility, safety and sustainability on highways and roadways across the state. Arcadis' scope of work for NDOT includes helping to modernize the statewide freeway management software by replacing the legacy Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) application with the inSIGHT ATMS software solution. Designed to enhance safety and reduce congestion on Nevada freeways, inSIGHT ATMS provides real-time situational awareness through video camera integration, traffic sensors, weather sensors and other interfaces.

The system automates tasks, such as modifying speed limits, coordinating with crowdsourced real-time navigation applications such as Waze and posting messages on roadside signs. This automation improves response times, accelerates incident clearance and minimizes the environmental impact of traffic congestion. Arcadis is also delivering its real-time Travel-IQ application to upgrade the Nevada 511 website, mobile app, Event Reporting System (ERS) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems to provide real-time, personalized and accessible travel information to the public.

The user-friendly website and app offer up-to-date details on traffic, road conditions and live video feeds, enhancing road safety and community engagement. In addition to the inSIGHT ATMS and Travel-IQ solutions, Arcadis is also partnering with NDOT on a number of advisory and solution development services to achieve similar goals, including leading the development of NDOT's platform, apps and dashboards to manage data and workflows across the agency's many business systems (e.g. Bentley, AgileAssets, GIS, HRIS, ERP, CRM) and all of the agency's divisions, including environmental services, traffic operations, maintenance, traffic safety and engineering. The technology stack will enable a centralized set of actionable information to support NDOT in leveraging data and analytics in decision-making around capital investments, operations, management and maintenance efforts to improve roadway safety across the state.