Sensome and Asahi Intecc are announcing a collaboration to develop the next generation Clotild®? Smart Guidewire, with Asahi Intecc taking on the manufacturing role for this device destined for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Acute ischemic stroke is the leading cause of acquired long-term disability and can be treated through a procedure known as mechanical thrombectomy.

This treatment involves the removal of a clot obstructing a blood vessel in the brain using a thrombectomy device guided over a wire from the wrist or groin to the site of the blockage. Swift clot removal with minimal attempts drastically enhances patient outcomes. With limited knowledge on clot characteristics, current success in removing the clot on the first attempt is only about 40%.

The Clotild®? Smart guidanceewire, incorporating Sensome's AI-powered tissue micro-sensor, aims to change this statistic. This innovative device will provide physicians with critical information about the clot features, enabling them to make more informed decisions during the procedure.

With its extensive design and manufacturing competencies, Asahi Intecc is well-positioned for the creation and production of the next-generation Clotild®?Smart Guidewire. RM Global Partners LLC served as advisor to Sensome.