The Board of Dan Form Holdings Company Limited informed the shareholders and potential investors that despite the group's operating profit increases in the first half of the year 2016, due to the change in fair value of investment properties in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, there may result in a consolidated net loss. Based on a preliminary review of the management accounts of the group for the six months ended 30 June 2016, the group is expected to record a consolidated net loss for the period as compared with its consolidated net profit for the corresponding period last year. Such estimated consolidated net loss is mainly attributable to the following events: Increase of operating profit before change in fair value gain of the group's investment properties and share of results of associates is mainly due to the recording of non-recurring income. However, the above favourable event is offset by the following unfavourable events: decrease in fair vale gain of the group's investment properties; and share of results of associates from profits to loss mainly resulting from change in fair value gain of investment properties in associates to fair value loss. The group will strive to increase its operating profit.