Asian American Medical Group Limited announced several management and Board changes, including the resignations of Group Chief Operating Officer ("GCOO") Mr. Cherinjit Kumar Shori and Group Chief Financial Officer ("GCFO") Mr. Meng Yau Yeoh. Mr. Shori's last day in the Company will be on 31 January 2020 while Mr. Yeoh will assume the post of Advisor from 28 February 2020. As part of the Group's strategic internal reorganisation to achieve better efficiency and cost effectiveness announced at its Annual General Meeting on 6 December 2019, AAMG will disband its Commercial Division and its duties absorbed into the Finance Division.

Chief Commercial Officer Ms Angela Choong will be promoted and re-designated to GCFO, taking over from Mr. Yeoh. Prior to joining AAMG in August 2015, Ms. Choong was the finance director and regional financial controller of a European MNC in the manufacturing industry. She has over 25 years of regional business partnering experience with a strong track record in finance, risk management, management of new factory construction projects and implementation of business improvement projects across China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

Meanwhile, Executive Chairman Dato' Dr Kai Chah Tan will assume the role of GCOO until a replacement is found. Mr. Heng Boo Fong will also relinquish his position as Lead Independent Non-Executive Director with effect from 1 February 2020, due to his other work commitments. As he held the position for more than 10 years, Mr. Fong felt that the change will be good for corporate governance reasons.

Consequently, he will also step down as Chairman of the Audit and Nomination and Remuneration Committees, which will be taken over by fellow Board member Mr. Pang Fey Yu. Mr. Peter Hurley will be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee.