Ault Alliance, Inc. announced strategic plans for the data centers of its wholly owned subsidiary Sentinum, Inc. The Company plans to relocate, when possible, its Bitcoin mining operations to the Montana data center and to focus its Michigan facility solely on artificial intelligence ("AI") hyperscale development. To support these plans, the Company is targeting to expand the capacity of its Michigan facility up to 300 megawatts ("MWs"), as well as a significant expansion of the Montana sites. Building on the foundation of the Michigan site, acquired three years ago and currently boasting approximately 30 MWs of energized capacity, Sentinum seeks to become a leader in hosting high-density computing and AI hyperscale operations.

The initiative aims to significantly enhance power capacity at both sites, with the Company actively seeking infrastructure financing and exploring partnerships to ensure full funding for the expansion. Sentinum serves the AI and data processing sectors, providing critical colocation and hosting solutions through its wholly owned subsidiary, Alliance Cloud Services, LLC. The Michigan data center, located in southern Michigan, utilizes approximately 100,000 square feet within a larger 617,000 square foot building, located on a 34.5-acre site.

Situated advantageously near power sources, it currently utilizes 28 MWs of eco-friendly power, with plans to increase capacity up to approximately 300MWs over the next three to five years, pending adequate funding. In addition, Sentinum is on track to have its new facility in Montana operational by March 2024, initially boosting power capacity by 10MWs, and has current capacity of approximately 20MWs, with a vision for further expansion. Sentinum believes that the capacity of the Montana sites can be significantly expanded and has begun an electrical load study in collaboration with the local utility to explore potential power upgrades.

Sentinum anticipates expanding the capacity at Montana to the extent possible, after determination of the completed load study, subject to additional funding. If successful in securing the necessary resources, this ambitious expansion would allow Sentinum to scale its operations and reinforce its position as a technology sector company, committed to advancing digital transformation and sustainability.