Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. announced that at its board meeting held on January 02, 2024, approved the election, for a complementary term of office entering in force until the investiture of the elected persons at the first Board of Directors' Meeting being held after the 2025 Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, the following persons, as Officers without specific designation, all with office at Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041 - CJ 281, Bloco A, Cond. W Torre JK, Vila Nova Concei o, CEP 04543-011, S o Paulo/SP: Mr. Alessandro Chagas Farias, Brazilian, married, administrator, bearer of the identity card RG n 129395430 IFP/RJ and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 087.550.247-42; Mr. Alexandre Teixeira de Araujo, Brazilian, married, banker, bearer of the identity card RG n 1.086.878 SSP/DF and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 480.287.111-20, Mr. Cezar Augusto Janikian, Brazilian, married, economist, bearer of the identity card RG n 9.866.608-3 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 176.648.118-30; Mrs. Claudia Chaves Sampaio, Brazilian, stable union, administrator, bearer of the identity card RG n. 26.671.212-5 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 294.838.848-10; Mr. Eduardo Alvarez Garrido, Spanish, married, administrator, bearer of the identity card RNM n V346153M - CGPI/DIREX/PF and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 228.866.408-83. Mr. Eduardo Luis Sasaki, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of the identity card RG n 20.827.982 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 253.898.288-01; Mr. Enrique Cesar Suarez Fragata Lopes, Brazilian, married, banker, bearer of the identity card RG n 33.575.021-7 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 333.367.438-69, Mr. Gustavo de Sousa Santos, Brazilian, married, administrator, bearer of the identity card RG n 33.107.579-9 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 301.656.728-89; Mrs. Izabella Ferreira Costa Belisario, Brazilian, married, banker, bearer of the identity card RG n. MG-10.691.625 and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 013.424.666-75; and Mr. Rafael Abujamra Kappaz, Brazilian, single, engineer, bearer of the identity card RG n 27551643 SSP/SP and enrolled at CPF/MF under n 301.328.878-78.