Bellavista Resources Limited announced the appointment of Ms. Maddison Cramer as a Company Secretary of the Company, effective November 1, 2022. Ms. Cramer will be a Joint Company Secretary with Mr. Michael Naylor, the current Company Secretary. Ms. Cramer is a corporate lawyer with experience in both the listed and unlisted space, advising entities across a variety of different sectors, but with a focus on mining and resources.

She recently co-founded boutique corporate services business Belltree Corporate and is currently a company secretary at ASX-listed junior exploration companies AuTECO Minerals Ltd. and Midas Minerals Ltd. Prior to this, she was Joint Company Secretary at ASX300 Bellevue Gold Limited and was an Associate at Bellanhouse Legal and HWL Ebsworth Lawyers. Ms. Cramer specialises in corporate and commercial transactions, including capital raisings, IPOs and backdoor listings, and corporate governance issues.