The board of Bingo Group Holdings Limited announced that Ms. CHOW Nga Chee Alice (‘Ms. Chow’) and Mr. LIN Jason (‘Mr. Lin’) have been appointed as executive Directors with effect from March 31, 2021. Ms. CHOW Nga Chee Alice is currently the Manager -- Marketing, Public Relations & Content Management of the Group, directors of certain subsidiaries of the Company and a producer of TSOL. Mr. LIN Jason is currently the Chief Business Strategist of the Group. He has over 20 years' experience in financial strategic planning in various industries. The Board announced that Mr. YIP Yiu Bong (‘Mr. Yip’), a non-executive Director, has been re-designated as an executive Director with effect from 31 March 2021. Mr. Yip joined the Board as a non-executive Director in June 2020, and is also currently the Head of Legal and Compliance of TSOL. Mr. Yip has over 14 years of experience in legal and compliance departments of various companies and legal firms.