MUNICH (dpa-AFX) - Gasoline is more expensive than it has been in almost five months. In the past three weeks, the price of a liter of Super E10 has increased by almost 9 cents, according to the ADAC on Wednesday. In the nationwide daily average of Tuesday, the fuel cost 1.822 euros per liter - 2 cents more than a week earlier. The last time E10 was more expensive was on November 16, 2022.

The price of diesel, on the other hand, has changed only minimally. On Tuesday, a liter cost 1.701 euros. Three weeks ago, the fuel was 0.6 cents cheaper, a week ago 0.8 cents.

Thus, the difference between diesel and E10 is slowly approaching its long-term average again. In the ten years before 2022, this was a good 15 cents; currently it is 12.1 cents. In the wake of the upheavals caused by the war in Ukraine, diesel cost significantly more than E10 in some cases last year. Since February, the fuel, which is taxed at a significantly lower rate, has been cheaper again./ruc/DP/men