Buscar Company (CGLD) announced the results of one of their Refinery Test Runs. A little over a week ago, the company processed 750 pounds of rock ore that resulted in approximately 6.6 pounds of concentrate. From that concentrate, sent out 218 grams or 7.05 troy ounces of Dore Bars to be refined by one of potential refinery vendors. The results were favorable. The settlement report indicated 4.685 ounces of gold produced. The sent out one pound of concentrate to ALS for a fire assay and two pounds of gold concentrate to two different chemical refineries (one in the US and one in Canada) to be chemically processed and refined and the company expects those settlement report soon. In the interim, the company feel very good about the fact that the first test run equated to 12.493 ounces of gold per ton of ore. The company now have 400 pounds of concentrate on hand waiting to be processed. Once all settlement reports have been received, the company will determine which method makes the most economic sense for the company and proceed accordingly.