Capio announced that Britta Wallgren is now appointed as Country President of Capio's Swedish operations. Britta will be a member of Capio's Group Management team. Britta Wallgren is the Business area manager of Capio St Göran's hospital and will take over the management of Capio's Swedish operation from Capio's President and CEO, Thomas Berglund, as of March 1, 2017. Britta is an MD and specialist in Anesthesiology and has been working at Capio St Göran since 1991. Since 2009, Britta is the Business area manager of Capio St Göran, and since many years, she is a member of Capio's international management team. As the Swedish Country President, Britta will report to Capio's President and CEO, Thomas Berglund, and be a member of the Group Management Team.