The board of directors of Capital Environment Holdings Limited announced that Ms. Hao Chunmei ("Ms. Hao") has been re-designated from executive director of the Company (the "Executive Director") to non-executive director of the Company (the "Non-executive Director") with effect from 2 July 2021. The biographical information of Ms. Hao is as follows: Ms. Hao is a Senior Accountant, Certified Public Accountant and Certified Public Valuer, was appointed as Executive Director in April 2018. Ms. Hao currently acts as the chief accountant of Beijing Capital Eco-Environment Protection Group Co. Ltd. and the general manager of Beijing Capital (Hong Kong) Limited. Ms. Hao served as a department head of planning and finance department, the general manager of Accounting Information Department, the deputy general manager and general manager of the planning and finance department, general manager of the corporate development centre of Beijing Capital. Ms. Hao has extensive experience in finance, corporate management, acquisition and merger, and corporate financing.