Cavitation Technologies, Inc. announced a Purchase Order of Low-Pressure Nano Tech (LPN) from B&F Greenhouse Services Inc. (B&F), Wheatley, Ontario, Canada. Additionally, CTi and B&F have executed a collaboration agreement to explore additional applications of CTi's water treatment Nano-technologies and business development. B&F operates approximately 160 acres of farmland, mainly focused on growing bell peppers in the greenhouse, and drawing most of its water requisitions from Lake Erie.

B&F has been rapidly expanding its operations in the past 10 years, which has necessitated their needs for advanced water treatment technologies. Bell pepper growers have faced a common problem worldwide attributed to water quality which has impacted crop growth. Diseases caused by fungal pathogens can cause crop losses of 10-20% (worth $100-$200 billion) each year (according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), emphasizing the urgent need for improved solutions.

At CTi the company use unique cavitation technology and hydro plasma to: Control microorganisms' development; Accelerate vegetative and root growth; Increase growth and biomass. This unique technology not only kills bacteria but also prevents fungi and algae growth in water. Further, it does this without the use of harsh chemicals, making it ESG-friendly and cost-effective.