Cellectar Biosciences, Inc. announced that effective from September 15, 2017, Jarrod Longcor, the company’s senior vice president of corporate development and operations, has been promoted to chief business officer. In his new role, Jarrod will be primarily responsible for corporate and business development, as well as oversight of the company’s preclinical program and manufacturing operations. Inclusive of his one and a half years at Cellectar, Jarrod has worked in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry for more 20 years, where he was either responsible for or participated in more than 40 collaborations. Prior to joining the company, he served as chief business officer for Avillion LLP, where he was responsible for executing the company's unique co-development partnership strategy. Prior to that, he was vice president of corporate development for Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (now Melinta Therapeutics) where he was responsible for identifying and concluding several critical collaborations for the company, including a discovery collaboration with Sanofi Aventis valued over $700 million. In addition, Jarrod held key positions in several small to midsized biotech companies where he was responsible for business development, strategic planning and operations.