Centron Telecom International Holding Limited announced that Mr. Dai Guoyu has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 4 April 2018 due to his decision to devote more time to his other business commitments. The Board hereby announced that Mr. Xiao Zufa has been appointed as the independent non-executive Director, a member of the Remuneration committee and the chairman of the Audit Committee in place of Mr. Lin Yuanfang, an independent non-executive Director, with effect from 4 April 2018. Mr. Xiao Zufa has over 26 years of experience in finance and auditing and had worked in Fujian Fenglin Machinery Factory, Guangdong Deconation Materials (Zhongshan) Co. Ltd., Xtep Group (China) Co. Ltd., Xiamen Hongxin Venture Capital Investment Group Co. Ltd. The Board further announced that with effect from 4 April 2018, Mr. Lin Yuanfang, the independent non-executive Director, resigned as the chairman of the Audit Committee, but would remain as a member of the Audit Committee, due to re-division of function.