CGN Power Co., Ltd. announced that among members of the third session of the Board, Mr. Shi Bing and Mr. Gu Jian will retire and cease to be candidates for non-executive Directors of the fourth session of the Board due to the expiry of their term of office, and Mr. Yang Jiayi, Mr. Xia Ceming and Mr. Tang Chi Cheung will retire and cease to be candidates for independent non-executive Directors of the fourth session of the Board as their term of office has also expired. Their retirement will take effect upon the appointment of new Directors at the EGM. Among members of the third session of the Supervisory Committee, Ms. Zhu Hui has tendered a resignation report in relation to her resignation from the position of employee representative Supervisor of the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee, and Mr. Wang Hongxin will retire and cease to be an employee representative Supervisor of the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee as his term of office has expired.