China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co., Limited at the extraordinary general meeting held on 16 January, 2023, approved the appointment of Mr. Liu Quancheng as a non-executive director of the Company and the appointment of Ms. Zhu Mei as a non-executive director of the Company. As at the date of the 2023 First EGM, the Board also passed the resolution on the appointment of Mr. Liu Quancheng as a member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee under the Board and the appointment of Ms. Zhu Mei as a member of the Strategic Committee under the Board, with effect from 16 January 2023. Mr. Liu Jianlong and Mr. Wang Qiying have respectively resigned as a non-executive Director of the Company and from their positions in the committees under the Board due to work adjustment, with effect from 16 January 2023.

Mr. Liu Jianlong and Mr. Wang Qiying have respectively confirmed that they have no disagreement with the Board in any respect, and there are no other matters in relation to their resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders or the Stock Exchange.