The board of directors of China Eco-Farming Limited announced that Mr. Li Aiming will be appointed as an executive Director with effect from 10 May 2023. The biographical details of Mr. Li are set out below: Mr. Li Aiming, aged 50, has more than 21 years of experience in corporate strategic planning, sales planning and business management. Mr. Li is the founder and the chairman of Sichuan Baofengxiang Co.

Ltd. since January 2015. He is the director of each of Sichuan Jiu De Yuan Kang Industrial Co. Ltd. and Jiu De Jiu Pin (Chengdu) Wine Industry Co.

Ltd. since August 2020. Mr. Li is also serving as executive vice president of Softbank Financial Research Institute since April 2020. The Board hereby announces that Mr. Ng Cheuk Fan, Keith has tendered his resignation from his role as the company secretary of the Company (the "Company Secretary" with effect from 10 May 2023 as Mr. Ng would like to devote more time for his career development, but he remains to be the Executive Director of the Company.

The Board further announced that Mr. Chan Kui Ming will be appointed as the Company Secretary with effect from 10 May 2023. Mr. Chan, aged 36, holds a degree of Master of Corporate Governance from The Open University of Hong Kong (currently known as Hong Kong Metropolitan University) and a degree of Bachelor of Commerce with major in Accounting from the Curtin University of Technology. Mr. Chan has over 16 years of experience in accounting, financial management and company secretarial services.

He is an associate member of each of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (currently known as Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute) and the Chartered Governance Institute. Mr. Chan is the company secretary of Basetrophy Group Holdings Limited and Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited.