The board of directors of China LNG Group Limited announced the appointment of Mr. Feng Yang (Mr. Feng) as CFO of the company with effect from 24 December 2018 as he comes on board earlier to the company. Mr. Feng has over 20 years of experience in financial management, auditing and taxation. The Board further announced that Mr. Ha Cheuk Pan has resigned as company secretary of the company and authorised representative of the company with effect from 24 December 2018.

Mr. Ha have confirmed that there is no disagreement with the Board and that he has no matter in relation to his resignations that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. Consequent to the above resignations, Dr. Kan Che Kin, Billy Albert (Dr. Kan) has been appointed as the Company Secretary with effect from 24 December 2018. Dr. Kan is currently the executive director, the chairman and the chief executive officer of the Company.

Dr. Kan is the fellow member of the institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Hong Kong institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Li Kai Yien, Arthur Albert ("Mr. Li") has been appointed as the Authorised Representative with effect from 24 December 2018. Mr. Li is currently the executive director of the company.