The Board of the China Water Industry Group Limited announced that Mr. Deng Jun Jie has resigned to act as a Chairman, an executive Director and a Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Company with effect from 4 September 2018 due to other business engagement which requires more of his attention and dedication. The Board announced that Mr. Lin Yue Hui, an executive Director, Chief Executive Officer and a Chairman of Investment Committee of the Company, has been appointed as a Chairman and a Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Company with effect from 4 September 2018. Mr. Lin, is an executive Director, a CEO and a Chairman of Investment Committee of the Company. Currently, he is also the director of certain subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Lin is responsible for overseeing the business operations of the Group and implementing the business strategies and policies as determined by the Board from time to time. After his appointment as the Chairman becoming effective 4 September 2018, Mr. Lin is also to provide leadership and focus on his role for the Group's overall strategy planning, analysis of market trend and establishment of the Group's future development direction. The Board of the Company announced that Mr. Zhong Wei Guang was appointed as an executive Director of the Company with effect from 4 September 2018. Mr. Zhong, currently is a Vice President of the Company and a member of Investment Committee. He serves as a general manager and deputy general manager in Huizhou Junfeng Investments Limited and Huizhou City Huixinfu Investment Co., Limited respectively. Mr. Zhong was the committee member of 9th, 10th and 11th session of the Huizhou City Political Consultative Conference. Upon the appointment of Mr. Lin as the Chairman of the Company becoming effective on 4 September 2018, Mr. Lin will perform both of the roles as the Chairman and the CEO of the Company.