Berliner Synchron AG provided earnings guidance for the year 2012. The company expected that operating profit, adjusted for the extraordinary allowance for depreciation of the property and software will have improved from a loss of EUR 421,000 for the business year 2011 to presumably loss of EUR 390,000. The increased performance slightly as it is expected that the operating loss for the business year 2011 of EUR 398,000 diminished to presumably EUR 166,000 in 2012.

Taking into consideration several special items the equity-to-assets ratio was improved from 16 % to 22 % in the year on year comparison. Like the year before, the company was able to generate a considerable increase in revenues due to flexible operation methods in the TV segment. Total revenues achieved amounted to EUR 8,393,000 63% of which can be attributed to TV.

The company expected to close the business year 2012 with a net loss of EUR 317,000.