Sparkrock announced a new partnership with cloudBuy, providing an integrated procurement portal with Sparkrock 365 for Canadian K12 and public sector organizations. Thanks to the cloudBuy integration, Sparkrock customers can benefit from procurement automation to save time, operate more efficiently, and reduce errors. Instead of manually submitting POs, paying vendors, tracking purchases against budget and more, the procurement portal enables customers to find and order what they need seamlessly, automating each step of the purchasing process. York Region District School Board (YRDSB) has been using cloudBuy in conjunction with Sparkrock 2016 since 2015. The school board has processed more than $5 million and approximately 25,000 invoices using the solution, with more than 99.7% automatically matching and being paid by Scotiabank Visa Payables. The school board went through an RFP process in 2015, simplifying the tender process for other Ontario public sector organizations.