KOBLENZ (dpa-AFX) - The IT company Compugroup wants to profit even more from the government-driven modernization and digitalization of hospitals. The software provider, which specializes in medical practices and hospitals, raised its target for revenues related to the Hospital Future Act again on Thursday during a capital markets day. Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Michael Rauch now expects proceeds of 140 to 160 million euros for the coming years in connection with this initiative. The forecast had only been raised to 130 to 140 million euros in August. Meanwhile, the Group's outlook for 2023 and medium-term targets up to 2025 were confirmed. The share price recently rose by almost one percent.

Accordingly, adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) of 260 to 300 million euros are to be achieved in the current year. Annual organic sales growth - i.e. excluding portfolio and exchange rate effects - is also expected to average more than 5 percent from 2021 to 2025. In 2022, the Group had generated sales of 1.13 billion euros. The share of recurring sales is expected to reach over 70 percent by 2025, compared with 65 percent in 2022, and adjusted operating profit margin is expected to increase to around 27 percent by 2025. In 2022, it had been 20.7 percent, also due to high investments in growth./mis/stk