Today, business report, balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the 40th fiscal term (a year ended on March 31, 2014) were announced at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders, and all the agendas were approved as follows.

Agendas in detail
Agenda 1
Appropriation of Surplus for the 40th Fiscal Term
This issue was approved and resolved as originally proposed.
The year-end dividend for the term was decided to be 177 yen per share.

Agenda 2
Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
This issue was approved and resolved as originally proposed.

Agenda 3
Election of Two (2) Directors
This issue was approved and resolved as originally proposed.
Mr. Kanitsu Uchida and Mr. Kei Takeuchi were newly elected as Directors.
Each of them has assumed their respective office.

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