Data Deposit Box Inc. announced the release of its Email Archiving solution as part of its Cloud Platform version 2018. Data Deposit Box has entered into an NDA with a major Canadian Telco for the new service and through a partnership with Brigantia Partners Limited, Data Deposit Box has engaged a large Enterprise in the UK for the new service as the European Union new regulation known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline approaches. The Email Archiving solution enables compliance to GDPR. Data Deposit Box continues to enhance its platform for cloud backup and recovery and continues to focus on growing core revenue as expand into new lines of business. The new Secure Email Archive Service simplifies the task of protecting email and offers business insights into the archive. Company's clients are moving towards cloud offerings like Office365 and need a simple solution that can be implemented on day zero. The new Secure Email Archive Service supports a wide variety of email platforms, including Microsoft Exchange (cloud and on premises), IBM email platforms (cloud and on premises), Rackspace Hosted Email, Google Apps /Gmail and many others.