Doctors Mobile Healthcare International announced the release of version 1.2 of their Virtual Physician's Network mobile healthcare platform that includes new features for both surgeon and vendor members. Doctors Mobile Healthcare offers their Virtual Physician's Network healthcare platform to surgeons, vendors and healthcare professionals to help them book cases, source education and product information, as well as many other business building tools all in a private and secure mobile app. The latest version release has added many new features to the existing iOS, Android and web platform for surgeons and medical vendors.

The following are just some of the new and updated features on Virtual Physician's Network v1.2: New case schedule views and searches for surgeons; Edit case status improvements; New content link ability for vendors and surgeons; Book case improvements for surgeons; New vendor layout for iPhone, iPad, Web and Android devices; New case schedule views and searches for vendors; Education added to vendor experience; Product Information added to vendor experience; Added ability to link vendors to booked cases; and Bug fixes and performance improvements.