Dropsuite Limited (ASX:DSE) is seeking acquisitions. Charif Elansari Chief Executive Officer answered to a question during the Second Quarter results presentation, "Yes. Thank you for the question. I think it's a good way to end this webinar. Let me say that I'm happy to answer more questions if there are. The -- what we're looking, first of all, is high conviction, right? So high conviction is, I don't want to be putting a short-term time frame and put some extra irrational pressure on myself and the team to deliver inorganic acquisition in the shorter term. We are really focused on strategic high conviction acquisitions in the coming few quarters. That's number one. Number two, we are looking what we call scope, complementary bolt-on acquisitions rather than scale, meaning that looking for companies who are doing more of the same and then combining the user base together. Now why are we doing that? We're doing that for a couple of reasons. One is integrating 2 identical services is a very risk-fraught thing to do, right? So rather than spending your time on building new capabilities and new products to get more users and more partners, you would be diverting, let's say, half of your team working on integrating 2 companies together, right? While, if you work on scope acquisition, for example, let's say, a sales force backup, which we don't have, or some data government solutions, you're talking about very easy integration of these services via APIs and you can quickly make it available to our customers and partners to use and to buy, right? That is something that's very important. The other thing is, we continue to see what I'm calling or what some people call specification of the backbone of operations for companies. So companies are moving everything into SaaS. And as that continues to happen, more options and capabilities for data protection will become a must-have. And that's -- hence, our interest in building new products or potentially looking at inorganic acquisitions as well".