Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc. announced that EcoMetales Limited has selected DST, amongst other companies, to test the DST technology in order to go ahead with a collaboration agreement and process residues that contain sulphides species/elements as flue dusts (the 'Flue Dusts') produced by Chilean operations, using DST's proprietary Technology. DST received one Tonne of Flue Dusts from EcoMetales, in March 2016, to be used for the testing program. This program is to demonstrate that Flue Dusts can be successfully treated, to recover the metallic units contained as sulphide in the Flue Dusts and to stabilize the arsenic using DST's vitrification technology as a complement to EcoMetales Technology (scorodite).

Flue Dusts from roasters are produced through copper concentrates roasting. During the process, most of the arsenic is volatilised and reports in the Flue Dusts as arsenic trioxide sulphide along with finely divided metal or metallic compounds. This program is part of a phased approach established between DST and EcoMetales with the objective of implementing a processing facility, utilizing DST's patented technology, in Chile, given that the results are positive, suitable and convenient with others that EcoMetales is studying.