EcoloCap has launched a new brand, and Blockchain based crypto-asset PLANT Token, to promote the byproducts from the production of the ECOS Bio-ART process, as well as promote organics recycling throughout the United States. Plantonium Organics will focus strictly on selling high-energy soil amendment products to the public directly from their online store. While Plantonium's PLANT Token will focus on pioneering an innovative organics recycling business model, where anyone can earn PLANT Tokens by participating in #PlantoniumProject. The high-quality compost that is created from Bio-ART technology can now be purchased online at At the current time, Plantonium Organics sells two different compost products under the "OG" brand name. OG liquid, a high-quality compost tea, and OG Compost, a premium soil amendment that is now available. Other products are under development and will be available soon for various applications.