Edgeware announced the launch of StreamBuilder, which provides broadcasters, content owners and distributors (including telco and cable TV providers) with advanced technology to create next-generation online TV. The platform is already deployed in several of Edgeware's customer networks and is recently also integrated with a large managed services partner serving a global OTT provider. With functionalities such as segmentation, recording and packaging, StreamBuilder also offers highly valuable cloud-based channel regionalization and multi-screen subtitling. Central in StreamBuilder's technology is unique segmentation and synchronization capabilities, which are important prerequisites for high-quality streaming. With advanced features such as synchronizedredundant video streams, StreamBuilder can eliminate drift caused by poorly encoded inputs, resolve glitches when doing fail-over between encoders and correct content bleed between ad and content segments. StreamBuilder and its solution for regionalized online channels and ads, Virtual Channel Creation, enables broadcasters and content owners to attract viewers and advertisers by increasing reach and adding relevance to their content and service offerings. With Edgeware's technology, users can avoid the additional encoder and storage costs that are typically required when adding new channels. StreamBuilder also includes a multi-device subtitling functionality, which enables easy image to text- based subtitling for online TV. All StreamBuilder technology is offered as a managed service option in Edgeware Cloud Service or a software option for cloud-agnostic, data centre or on-prem deployment.