Gimv NV (ENXTBR:GIMB) acquired unknown majority stake in Witec Fijnmechanische Techniek B.V. on April 25, 2023. The current management team will retain a significant minority stake and can continue to pursue its growth ambitions. Witec currently has about 130 employees and achieves a turnover of €25 million.

Gimv NV (ENXTBR:GIMB) completed the acquisition of unknown majority stake in Witec Fijnmechanische Techniek B.V. on April 25, 2023. Pieter van Duijvenvoorde, Anton Louwinger, Gieneke van Nierop, Robert Jong, Jarrik Haust, Iris Zeilstra and Bob Barnhoorn of CMS Derks Star Busmann N.V. provided legal advisory to the shareholders of Witec. Ernst & Young Nederland LLP acted as Financial due diligence provider to Gimv NV.