Granada Gold Mine Inc. is following up on the recent announcement regarding the development of a high-grade flow sheet. Granada Gold Mine is pleased to provide further details on its plans to establish a mill at the Granada property. After productive discussions with preferred vendor, the company is moving forward with a comprehensive study to build a mill on site at Granada.

This strategic decision reflects belief that on-site processing offers the most favorable economics and provides enhanced grade control for the company. Despite the 43-101 open pit resource being calculated at 2 grams per tonne, the results from two bulk samples of 500 tonnes each have both returned grades averaging 4 grams per tonne gold (Press Release November 28th 2023 and May 10th 2022). These findings are in line with historically mined open pit grades ranging from 3.5 to 5 grams per tonne gold, further validating the potential of the Granada property.

Establishing an on-site mill aligns with Granada Gold Mine's strategic vision of optimizing operations and minimizing logistical challenges associated with off-site processing. By bringing processing capabilities closer to the source of mineralization, the company aims to streamline production and capitalize on operational efficiencies. The upcoming study will evaluate various factors, including infrastructure requirements, environmental considerations, and economic feasibility, to inform the design and implementation of the on-site mill.

Granada Gold Mine remains committed to transparent and responsible stewardship of its resources, adhering to industry best practices and regulatory standards throughout the development process. Granada Gold Mine remains steadfast in its mission to deliver value to stakeholders while upholding the highest standards of environmental responsibility and community engagement. With these recent advancements, the company is poised to unlock new opportunities for growth and prosperity.