The board of directors of GREATER BAY AREA DYNAMIC GROWTH HOLDING LIMITED announced the following changes of the Board and the committees of the Board. Mr. Tong Wing Chi ("Mr. Tong") has resigned as an independent non-executive Director and the chairman of each of the audit committee (the "Audit Committee") and nomination committee (the "Nomination Committee"), and a member of each of the remuneration committee (the "Remuneration Committee") and corporate governance committee (the "Corporate Governance Committee") of the Board with effect from 25 August 2023 due to his other personal commitments. The Board announced that Ms. Wan Shuk Han ("Ms. Wan") has been appointed as the executive Director of the Company with effect from 25 August 2023.

Ms. Wan, aged 38, obtained a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the Hong Kong Baptist University. She has 10 years professional background in the airline industry and 5 years in the private sector. Specialised in hospitality, workforce management and digital marketing.

The Board considered and accepted the recommendation from the Nomination Committee of the Board to appoint Ms. Wan as an executive Director, after reviewing her academic qualification and working experience. The Board announced that Ms. Liu Yulan ("Ms. Liu") has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director, the chairman of each of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee and a member of each of the Remuneration Committee and Corporate Governance Committee with effect from 25 August 2023. Ms. Liu, aged 39, obtained a degree in Bachelor of Management from the Chongqing Technology and Business University and a degree in Executive Master of Business Administration from Xiamen University.

She is a registered accountant in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"), has over 13 years of experience in auditing and capital market. She currently is an auditing partner of Shenzhen Changjin Certified Public Accountants. The Board considered and accepted the recommendation from the Nomination Committee of the Board to appoint Ms. Liu as an independent non-executive Director, the chairman of each of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee and a member of each of the Remuneration Committee and Corporate Governance Committee after reviewing her academic qualification and working experience.

As at the date of this announcement and following the above resignation and appointment of Directors, the Board comprises: Executive Directors: Mr. Tam Chung Sun (Chairman), Dr. Ho Chuk Man, James, Mr. Lu Zhiming, Mr. Tsang Ming To, Ms. Wan Shuk Han. Independent Non-executive Directors: Mr. Chen Zeng Guang, Ms. Liu Yulan, Mr. Wan Kwun Lun.