Greenbriar Sustainable Living Inc. announced that the schedule to break ground on Sage Ranch will be within the month of April, 2024. The ongoing drama between the TCCWD and the city does not affect schedule. The company owns and has access to all of the deeded water rights, and any additional sources.

The WSA was accurate and complete. The city council was correct in its approval of the WSA. The TCCWD wants to be a land planning agency, and the law does not permit this role.

The city was correct in its full approval of the project. During all of the settlement negotiations with the TCCWD, and in front of eight lawyers and the company, the TCCWD emphatically stated they had no issue with Sage Ranch alone. The TCCWD stated during multiple settlement talks that their issue was what the city additionally permits after Sage Ranch.

That is not the business of the TCCWD to hold permitting authority over the city. The city has lots entitled since 1898. Those lots are not being permitted and therefore was not part of the WSA's correct analysis.

The TCCWD is desperate for some technical victory on a limited re-write of the WSA so they can make a claim to retrieve their legal fees. This has no impact on the schedule of building Sage Ranch nor stopping its progress. The TCCWD uses deeded water rights of all owners who do not use those rights in any given year, and sells them on a yearly basis to ag companies who lease the land from certain TCCWD directors.

The TCCWD is in a full conflict of interest. In addition, the president of the TCCWD board tried to buy a portion of the original Sage Ranch from Greenbriar in 2017. Greenbriar said no, and the current TCCWD president was denied owning a piece of Sage Ranch.