Health Advance Inc. (HADV) announced that Mr. Jordan Starkman has resigned from the Board of Directors of HADV, as well as from the position of Board Executive, President, and Director with his resignation taking effect from November 1, 2017. Mr. Starkman has been a Board Executive, Director, and President since the company's inception. The company appoints Vice Chairman and Director, Gregory Shusterman as the Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, Christian Diesveld as a voting Director of the Board, and Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar as the Special Advisor to the Chairman and shall be the appointed (Interim) Chief Executive Officer and a non-voting Director of the Board.

Mr. Diesveld is a Canadian citizen and UK resident who has worked previously in various senior leadership positions for a number of companies, including, but not limited to, Hantian Labs Limited, a recent acquisition of the company. Dr. Mukhtar has served as a professor at the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK), United Arab Emirates. Mr. Shusterman, Mr. Diesveld, and Dr. Mukhtar's appointment are effective from November 1, 2017.