
NOTICE TO THE MARKET Increase of Relevant Stake


Publicly-Held Company CNPJ/MF number 49.263.189/0001-02

NIRE 35.300.340.337

Mogi das Cruzes, December 9th, 2015 - Helbor Empreendimentos S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: HBOR3), a residential and commercial real estate developer covering 27 cities in 10 states, in addition to the Federal District, Brasília, according to the CVM regulation, informs to its shareholders and to the market that have received the attached notice (in Portuguese), on December 09th, 2015, from Dynamo Internacional Gestão de Recursos Ltda and Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda, communicating that thought stock exchange operations the investment funds managed by both have acquired Helbor's shares and now have a total amount of 40,087,014 shares, representing 15.56% of the total shares issued by the Company.

Dynamo Internacional Gestão de Recursos Ltda and Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda also informed that does not intend to acquire the control of the company and in the case of investment does not aim to change management, controlling composition or regulate the company's operation.

Roberval Lanera Toffoli

CFO and Investor Relations Officer

For further information, please contact the IR team: Roberval Lanera Toffoli - CFO or IRO

Ricardo Rosanova Garcia - IR Manager Vinicius Bioni - IR Junior Analyst

E-mail: ri@helbor.com.br

Tel.: (11) 3174-1211 ou (11) 4795-8555


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