Helio S.A. announced earnings results for the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2014. For the quarter, net revenues from sales of products, goods and materials was PLN 18,138,000 compared to PLN 104,239,000 a year ago. Loss on operating activities was PLN 461,000 compared to PLN 5,225,000 a year ago.

Loss on business activities was PLN 169,000 compared to profit of PLN 4,910,000 a year ago. Net loss was PLN 169,000 or PLN 0.03 per share compared to profit of PLN 3,926,000 or PLN 0.79 per share a year ago. Net cash flows from operating activities was PLN 9,337,000 compared to net cash flows used in operating activities of PLN 606,000 a year ago.

Book value for one share was 9.75 compared to PLN 9.78 a year ago.