Hsin Chong Group Holdings Limited announced that Dr. LO Wing Yan William, JP. has been appointed as the Independent Non-executive Director with effect from June 28, 2018. He has also been appointed as members of the Audit, Remuneration, Nomination, Risk Management and Corporate Governance Committees with effect from that date. He is currently as the Vice Chairman of Kidsland International Holdings Limited. Dr. Lo was the independent non-executive director of BOE Varitronix Limited. The company also announced that Mr. CHAN Chi Fai David has resigned as the company secretary of the company and has ceased to act as an authorized representative and Mr. YAO Yan Ping Francis has been appointed as the company Secretary and authorized representative of the company. Mr. Yao, aged 48, is the assistant director of Strategic Development Department of the company with effect from January 8, 2018. He is primarily responsible for corporate development, finance and strategic planning of the company. Mr. Yao is a certified public accountant and is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has over 26 years accounting, auditing, corporate finance and governance experience.