Identiv, Inc. announced Scott Sieracki as the new Vice President of Sales of the Premises Security executive leadership team at the company. In his new role, Mr. Sieracki will manage all sales operations for the Identiv physical access business. Mr. Sieracki joined Identiv as a result of the Viscount Systems acquisition earlier this month, where he was CEO. Mr. Sieracki brings to Identiv sales and business leadership expertise across the industry, including leadership at transformational companies such as Open Options and Quantum Secure, and industry stalwarts Tyco and Software House/Sensormatic, where he exceeded revenue and EBITDA goals during each of his years of leadership. In addition to expanding sales of the Viscount business lines of Freedom, Liberty, and Enterphone MESH, Mr. Sieracki will assume leadership of Identiv’s North American Sales, Federal Sales, Sales Operations, Inside Sales, Sales Engineering, and Distribution Sales teams. His responsibility will span the full scope of Viscount’s software-defined access control platforms, as well as Identiv’s physical security solutions encompassing the 3VR video analytics platform, Hirsch Velocity access control, and TS access readers and access cards. Reporting to Mr. Sieracki, Mary Grace MG Karch has joined Identiv as Director of Federal Sales, working with the team to expand the company’s penetration beyond the dozens of agencies that Hirsch Velocity and TS Readers are already serving worldwide. Edward MacBeth will continue to lead International Sales, Strategic Accounts, the Cisco strategic partnership, and strategic programs across Identiv as VP of Strategic Accounts and European Sales. With over 20 years of experience in technology sales, business development, and marketing, Mr. MacBeth has developed and executed go-to-market strategies that include direct selling, OEM, systems integrators, VAD/VAR, and strategic partnerships.