Industrial Nanotech, Inc. announced that the Company is finalizing the terms and conditions of a public/private cooperative agreement with established business partners and government officials in Dubai. The Company took the time to learn about the pressing needs of the region. The Company agreed to collaborate and provide Mr. BurchillÆs expertise in nanotechnology and to work as research partners with their government laboratories to create new and innovative solutions uniquely suited to their environment. The UAE building industry remains strong and motivated to utilize effective thermal insulation products in this extreme temperature environment. In November of 2022, Mr. Burchill will travel again to Dubai for a signing ceremony and the official opening of the CompanyÆs offices and laboratory. The event will be live streamed for shareholders to participate and see the new facilities.
Through multiple meetings in Dubai with business leaders and government officials, the Company created a plan acceptable to all participants to work together and establish the application protocols and certifications for the CompanyÆs existing products and cement the CompanyÆs position as a thought leader in the region for sustainable solutions.