International Silver, Inc. announced that it has completed sixteen reverse circulation drill holes and completed the Phase I Prince Mine Drill Report. The Prince Mine is located in the Pioche district of Lincoln County, Nevada. From August 16 through October 28, 2012, a total of 11,680 feet were drilled at 16 hole locations using reverse circulation air rotary methods.

The drill program was designed to provide proof of concept information on the exploration model for the area and define mineralized zones worthy of resource definition drilling. The results of the 2012 Phase I drill program indicated that three areas merit additional exploration based on the following: Sediment hosted gold mineralization without significant lead-zinc grade is present on the property. Drill hole PRC 10 intercepted 190 feet of mineralization at 630 feet of depth grading 0.04 opt gold and 1.5 opt silver.

Fifty feet of the intercept was oxidized while the remainder was in sulfides. Two other drill holes, PRC 19 and PRC 25 intercepted from 10 to 40 feet of gold mineralization grading 0.07 to 0.08 opt with 0.9 opt silver. Limestone replacement type silver, lead, zinc, manganese mineralization was found at depths between 540 and 660 feet below surface as in drill holes PRC 23 and PRC24.

The mineralization ranges from 15 feet to 80 feet in thickness and extends more or less continuously on strike for a distance of 3000 feet. This mineralized structural zone between two major faults is inferred to host 4,800,000 tons of mineralized material grading 0.019 opt gold, 1.96 opt silver, 1.0% lead, 2.1% zinc and 6.7% manganese. The mineralization is expected to be amenable to underground mining methods.

Drill holes PRC 11 and PRC 21 intercepted near surface, replacement type mineralization that appears to be open pit mineable. Using the 2012 drilling data combined with that from other nearby underground sampling points, an inferred tonnage of mineralized material was calculated in this area totaling 5,200,000 tons averaging 0.008 opt gold, 2.57 opt silver, 2.7 % lead, 2.2% zinc and 9.6% manganese as oxides.