JENA (dpa-AFX) - The Jena-based software company Intershop is only slightly in the red. In the first three months of the year, the bottom line was a loss of around 100,000 euros, as Intershop announced on Wednesday. The rental software business grew significantly. Service revenues, on the other hand, declined sharply. Intershop closed the past year with a loss of 3.6 million euros. The first quarter of 2023 closed with a loss of around one million euros.

In the first quarter of 2024, revenue in the cloud business increased by 32 percent to 4.9 million euros, as the company announced. This was more than half of the total revenue of 9.5 million euros. Intershop changed its business model some time ago. The listed company now sells fewer software licenses and focuses primarily on rental software for companies' Internet portals - so-called cloud solutions.

Accordingly, revenue from the sale of licenses fell by around three percent to 1.9 million euros. Intershop suffered a significant decline in service revenues, which fell to 2.7 million euros (minus 16 percent). This was due to complex and long-running major projects and at the same time little new business.

The Management Board of Intershop Communications AG confirmed its forecast for the year on Wednesday: moderate revenue growth and a balanced operating result are expected. This amounted to a plus of 6000 euros in the first quarter./dhu/DP/jha