Italeaf S.p.A. announced consolidated and parent earnings results for 2017. On the consolidated basis, (under IFRS international accounting standards) the company's revenues amounted to EUR 64.3 million against EUR 84.3 million a year ago, with a decrease mainly due to the decrease in EPC activities of TerniEnergia, which was interrupted starting from the second half of the year. EBITDA amounted to EUR 1.4 million against EUR 17.1 million a year ago. EBIT is negative for EUR 35.7 million. Net loss amounted to EUR 40.8 million against EUR 4.5 million a year ago, while the loss before taxes (LBT) amounted to EUR 43.6 million against EUR 3.7 million a year ago. The net financial position amounted to EUR 107.2 million against EUR 111.1 million a year ago. On the parent basis, (According to the ITA GAAP method), the company's revenues amounted to EUR 3.7 million against EUR 6.9 million a year ago. EBITDA amounted to EUR 0.7 million, in decrease compared to December 31, 2016 of EUR 3.7 million. LBIT amounted to EUR 0.1 million against EBIT of 3.1 million a year ago. Net loss amounted to EUR 0.9 million against EUR 2 million a year ago. The net financial position was EUR 16.9 million against EUR 17 million a year ago.