Knick Exploration Inc. presented results from 30 holes drilled on its East-West Property located in Dubuisson Township, close to the City of Val d'Or, Northern Quebec, Canada. The East-West property covers a strike length of 1.6 kilometers on the Marbenite Fault Zone. Adjacent to the west of the property is the advanced Marban exploration project owned by Osisko Mining (T- OSK), and east of the property is the Kiena Mines Complex property owned by Wesdome (T- WDO). The East-West program was initiated in November 2016 and completed early March 2017. An up-serge in exploration activity since the beginning of 2017 has resulted in longer turn-around times for sample analysis. This has led to a longer lag time for Knick's set of data with complete QAQC verification. The program confirmed and extended the mineralized area referred to as the West Zone located about 400 metres eastward from the Osisko Mining Marban deposit resource outline¹ along the Marbenite Fault system. A series of holes drilled on 50 meter spaced sections has confirmed the continuity of the gold system along a minimum strike length of 300 metres going from surface down to a vertical depth of 220 metres. Best mineralized intervals obtained from this program are as follows: 2.4 grams of gold per tonne over 16.6 metres, including 15.2 grams of gold per tonne over 2.4 meters in hole EW-16-10 centered on the historical West Zone. One of the program objectives was to re drill and reproduce historical results of this area located about 300 metres along strike eastward from the Marban deposit footwall. The cut is at a vertical depth of 70 metres; Hole EW-16-06 located 25 metres West of hole EW-16-10 returned 31.15 grams of gold per tonne over 1.5 meter at a vertical depth of 90 metres; and Hole EW-16-20 presents a wide low grade interval of 0.5 grams per tonne over 34.5 metres including an enriched zone which gave 13.1 grams of gold per tonne over 1.1 meter. Hole EW-16-20 is located about 200 metres east of the historical West Zone in an area previously undrilled. The mineralization was intersected at a vertical depth of 220 metres and is open down dip and eastward along strike. The 6,700 metres program was planned to test the continuity of the gold system along the Marbenite Fault system mostly above 200 metres vertical depth. Twenty-three (23) holes out of the 30 holes drilled returned at least one interval above a selected 0.5 gram of gold per tonne over more than 1.0 meter cut off.