On 27 March 2013 during the Extraordinary General Meeting of KRUK Group shareholders Supervisory Board was approved. The number of the members has been increased from 5 to 7 members. From the current five Members remained four, including the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Intention of such step is to maintain the continuity in the development of the receivables management company in Poland and whole region. Appointment of the Supervisory Board and increase its composition is a natural step in the KRUK Group development. Increasing the number of Members not only meets the expectations of Investors, but also provides a more efficient functioning of the Supervisory Board and appointed by it Committees.

The new Supervisory Board members: Ms. Katarzyna Beuch-Member of the Supervisory Board (since 1 April 2013) Mr. Robert Konski as Member of the Supervisory Board and Mr. Arkadiusz Orlin Jastrzebski as Member of the Supervisory Board.