Leopalace21 Corporation announced that the Hotels and Resort Department will be transferred from the Management Planning Headquarters to the Marketing and Sales Headquarters, and the Market Development Department will be newly established inside the Corporate Business Promotion Headquarters. The company will continue to implement a four-headquarter system comprised of the Marketing and Sales Headquarters, Corporate Business Promotion Headquarters, Management Planning Headquarters, and Management Headquarters. Along with the auditing department and work-life balance promotion office placed outside these headquarters, the company will promote its corporate philosophy of 'Creating New Value.' The company appointed Hiromi Ito, Deputy General Manager of the Management Headquarters (Current position: Resona Business Service Co. Ltd.) as Managing Executive Officer. The company appointed Kazunori Tanimoto, Deputy Department Manager of the Construction Subcontracting Department General Manager of Construction, Construction Subcontracting Department (incumbent) as Executive Officer. The company appointed Minoru Wada, General Manager of Product Technology, Corporate Business Promotion Headquarters as Executive Officer. The company appointed Yoshiyuki Ichikawa as Deputy Department Manager of the Leasing Department General Manager of Asset Management, Leasing Department (incumbent) as Executive Officer. The company also appointed Hidetoshi Hara, General Manager of Public Relations, Management Planning Headquarters (Current position: KYODO NEWS) as Executive Officer. The company also reassignments of Directors and Executive Offices as of April 1, 2017. The position of Yuzuru Sekiya is changed from Director, Senior Executive Officer General Manager of the Management Planning Headquarters General Manager of the Hotels and Resort Business Division (incumbent) to Director, Senior Executive Officer, General Manager of the Management Planning Headquarters.