LINX S.A. at the Shareholder’ Meeting held on the date hereof (“Shareholders’ Meeting”), the resignation of the following members of the Company’s Board of Directors was registered: Messes. Nercio José Monteiro Fernandes, Alberto Menache and Alon Dayan. Due to the resignations mentioned above, at the same Shareholders’ Meeting, the following members were elected to the Company’s Board of Directors, with a unified term of office of 2 (two) years as of the date hereof: Messrs. (i) Lia Machado de Matos, as Chairman of the Board, (ii) Thiago dos Santos Piau, as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors; and (iii) Marcelo Bastianello Baldin, as a member of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the following members were reelected to the Company’s Board of Directors, with a unified term of office of 2 (two) years as of the date hereof: Messrs. (i) João Adamo Junior, as an independent member of the Board of Directors; and (ii) Roger de Barbosa Ingold, as an independent member of the Company's Board of Directors. Additionally, on the date hereof, a meeting of the Board of Directors (“Meeting”) was held, at which it was registered the resignation of the following members: (i) Company’s Board of Officers: Messrs. Alberto Menache, Flávio Mambreu Menezes, Antonio Ramatis Fernandes Rodrigues and Denis Nieto Piovezan; (ii) Company’s Strategy Committee: Messrs. Roger de Barbosa Ingold, Nercio José Monteiro Fernandes and Alberto Menache; and (ii) Company’s People Committee: Messrs. João Adamo Junior, Nercio José Monteiro Fernandes and Alberto Menache. In relation to the People Committee, in view of the resignations presented by its members, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the extinction of the People Committee. Due to the resignations, at the same Meeting, the following members were elected to the Company’s Board of Officers, with a term of office of 3 (three) years as of the date hereof: Messrs. (i) Thiago dos Santos Piau, as Chief Executive Officer; (ii) Rafael Martins Pereira, as Investor Relations Officer; (iii) Daniel Karrer da Cruz, as Officer; and (iv) Breno Werneck Maximiano, as Officer. Furthermore, the following members were reelected to the Company’s Board of Officers, with a term of office of 3 (three) years as of the date hereof: Messrs. (i) Gilsinei Valcir Hansen, as Officer; and (ii) Jean Carlo Klaumann, as Officer.