The board of directors of LVGEM (China) Real Estate Investment Company Limited announced the following change of executive director and chief executive officer, member of executive committee. Mr. Yim Chun Leung has tendered his resignation as an executive director and chief executive officer of the company with effect from 31 March 2016 for his career development and other business commitments. Mr. Tang Shouchun, an operations director of the company, has been appointed as an executive director and chief executive officer of the company and a member of the Executive Committee with effect from 31 March 2016 following the resignation of Mr. Yim.

Ms. Deng Chengying, executive director of the company, has been appointed as the Listing Rules Authorised Representative with effect from 31 March 2016 to fill the role following Mr. Yim's cessation to act the same position as mentioned above.