M.J. International Co., Ltd. announced Change of COO and financial officer as follows: Type of personnel changed: COO, financial officer; Date of occurrence of the change: 10 November 2022; Name, title, and resume of the previous position holder: COO GNA, Financial officer GLiu, Chiao-Lu,Special assistance from the chairman; Name, title, and resume of the new position holder: COO GWang, Chuan-Han, Special assistance from the chairman and COO, Financial officer GWang, Hugn-Chih, Special assistance from the chairman and spokesperson; Type of the change: COO: new replacement, Financial officer: retirement; Reason for the change: COO: new replacement, Financial officer: retirement; Effective date: 10 November 2022; Any other matters that need to be specified: The retired effective date: 31 December 2022.