Inactive Instrument

Company Makoteks AD Skopje


Textiles & Leather Goods

End-of-day quote MACEDONIAN S.E.
- - Intraday chart for Makoteks AD Skopje

Business Summary

Makoteks AD Skopje is a Macedonia-based company engaged in the textile industry. The Company specializes in the export, import and the trade with textiles, leather, wool, cotton, synthetic fabrics and apparel. Additionally, it rents its own real estate. As of December 31, 2011, the Company had a 61% stake in Makoteks Trgovnja DOO Skopje.


Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - -

Members of the board

Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Chairman - -
Director/Board Member - -
Chief Executive Officer - -

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 1 94,063 42,582 ( 45.27 %) 0 45.27 %

Company contact information

Makoteks AD Skopje

street 16th Makedonska brigada 18

1000, Skopje

address Makoteks AD Skopje
  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. Stock
  4. Company Makoteks AD Skopje